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Promotion/Gift Playing Cards

Kuo Kau Paper Products Co., Ltd. is constantly searching for new products and designs and is adding new Promotion/Gift Playing Cards regularly. All our Promotion/Gift Playing Cards are manufactured from high-quality materials and tested to the highest specifications to maximize the quality of our products. Please call or email us if you have any questions concerning Promotion/Gift Playing Cards.
Innovation and authenticity in one! Kuo Kau has provided our clients with poker cards of the highest quality as well as gift playing cards. Our abundant experience in design and manufacturing have made us a top pick for highly regarded gift companies, design firms, and distributors both domestic and international. Now, we're proud to present you with OEM playing cards! Combine your creativity with our high-quality materials to create cards that fully express your brand values, from style to quality.

Weighing design against efficiency? We'll finish your semi-custom cards for you! Combine your chosen custom card backs with our classic, internationally recognized card face templates to create your own unique playing cards in a flash. Our templates include standard(two-corner), four-corner, and jumbo indexes and other suitmarks from across the world. It only takes a second to beautifully meld innovation with tradition and produce a vivid representation of your individual style.

We can also create gift playing cards or souvenir playing cards in a range of sizes, ranging from the most commonly used 58x88mm bridge cards and 62x88mm poker cards to custom mini cards, giant A4 cards, and even cards in unusual shapes. But that's not all. We take care of every deck of cards, inside and out, just for you. We offer all sorts of beautiful packaging, including eye-catching paper boxes with vibrant colors, plastic boxes perfect for showcasing the design of your cards, two-piece boxes that protect the cards inside and are perfect for high-end gifts, hinged boxes that show off your creativity, drawer gift boxes, retro tin boxes, gorgeous leather boxes, and simple, elegant wooden boxes. You can choose between single, double, or multi-deck packaging, or customize your own unique packaging to meet your needs for AD playing cards or Giveaway Pokers.

You're not just creating a deck of poker cards—you're creating a beautiful memory and an expression of your appreciation. We're excited to make even more outstanding creations with you.

Our cards are made in Taiwan, and are guaranteed to be of the highest quality. Contact Kuo Kau if you are interested in customization and packaging. We'll work our hardest to ensure that your dreams become a reality.

Minimum order size: 1,008 decks.


Alcohol Giveaway Poker

Personalized giveaway poker allows your customers and prospective customers to play many different kinds of card games, from Old Maid to Go Fish. Are you having a themed event or promotional activities? Give your attendees or target audiences a branded deck of cards with your unique image!

Our durable tuck boxes and heavy stock cards will make it easy to take for camping trips, family reunions or weekly card games.

Besides standard square-shaped, you can make custom special shape playing cards fitting your brand image. Inquire with your ideas to the trustworthy playing card manufacturer in Taiwan. Let's make it work!

We can provide samples for quality review. Sample charge can be paid by PayPal and freight-collected.

Our playing cards are made in Taiwan. The quality is excellent and guaranteed. Minimum order of 1,008 decks.

CBA027S113-A / CBA031S113-A

Cars AD playing Cards

A deck of your exclusive advertising playing cards can make customers remember you! We are offering custom high-quality playing cards for the car industry.

Our advertising playing cards allow you to highlight the value of your products in any promotional activities, exhibitions or conferences. The brand logo is printed on the playing cards to increase the brand's exposure rate, so as to achieve the ideal advertising effect. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us to design your own playing cards.

Our playing cards are made in Taiwan. The quality is excellent and guaranteed. Minimum order of 1,008 decks.

CBA027S113-A / CBA031S113-A

Chocoloate Gift Playing Cards

Personalized giveaway poker allows your customers and prospective customers to play many different kinds of card games, from Old Maid to Go Fish. Are you having a themed event or promotional activities? Give your attendees or target audiences a branded deck of cards with your unique image!

Our durable tuck boxes and heavy stock cards will make it easy to take for camping trips, family reunions or weekly card games.

Besides standard square-shaped, you can make custom special shape playing cards fitting your brand image. Inquire with your ideas to the trustworthy playing card manufacturer in Taiwan. Let’s make it work!

We can provide samples for quality review. Sample charge can be paid by PayPal and freight-collected.

Our playing cards are made in Taiwan. The quality is excellent and guaranteed. Minimum order of 1,008 decks.

CPA027P301-A / CPA031P301-A

Coffee Promotion Playing Cards

Whether you would like to personalize a set of custom playing cards with your photo, text, logo, designs to commemorate an event, stylize your home parties, share some joy, run a promotion or spread awareness of your company as a cut above the rest.

There are white, black and transparent plastic materials for your option.
In addition, we offer plenty of choices for packing to satisfy all kinds of business usage and budget.

Custom packing is also welcome. Share us the details, we will make it reality.

Our playing cards are made in Taiwan. The quality is excellent and guaranteed. Minimum order of 1,008 decks.


Wedding Playing Cards - Plastic - Caricature

Every couple spend lots of time planning for the wedding party, including a special, memorable wedding gift! Create a lasting memory of your wedding for you and your guests now!

You can choose customized pattern and shape(Ex. Cartoon-styled pictures based on your wedding pictures), paper or PVC material, paper tuck box or plastic box. We can help you realize whatever you imagine!

Think about it! Your customized playing cards not just bring your friends happy hours, also remind them of your wedding. What a touching moment!

The minimum order quantity is 1008 decks. Reply and get your quotation now!


Wedding Playing Cards - Paper - A

Every couple spend lots of time planning for the wedding party, including a special, memorable wedding gift! Create a lasting memory of your wedding for you and your guests now!

You can choose customized pattern and shape(Ex. Cartoon-styled pictures based on your wedding pictures), paper or PVC material, paper tuck box or plastic box. We can help you realize whatever you imagine!

Think about it! Your customized playing cards not just bring your friends happy hours, also remind them of your wedding. What a touching moment!

The minimum order quantity is 1008 decks. Reply and get your quotation now!


Wedding Playing Cards - Plastic - B

Every couple spend lots of time planning for the wedding party, including a special, memorable wedding gift! Create a lasting memory of your wedding for you and your guests now!

You can choose customized pattern and shape(Ex. Cartoon-styled pictures based on your wedding pictures), paper or PVC material, paper tuck box or plastic box. We can help you realize whatever you imagine!

Think about it! Your customized playing cards not just bring your friends happy hours, also remind them of your wedding. What a touching moment!

The minimum order quantity is 1008 decks. Reply and get your quotation now!


Wedding Playing Cards - Paper - C

Every couple spend lots of time planning for the wedding party, including a special, memorable wedding gift! Create a lasting memory of your wedding for you and your guests now!

You can choose customized pattern and shape(Ex. Cartoon-styled pictures based on your wedding pictures), paper or PVC material, paper tuck box or plastic box. We can help you realize whatever you imagine!

Think about it! Your customized playing cards not just bring your friends happy hours, also remind them of your wedding. What a touching moment!

The minimum order quantity is 1008 decks. Reply and get your quotation now!


Wedding Playing Cards - Plastic - D

Every couple spend lots of time planning for the wedding party, including a special, memorable wedding gift! Create a lasting memory of your wedding for you and your guests now!

You can choose customized pattern and shape(Ex. Cartoon-styled pictures based on your wedding pictures), paper or PVC material, paper tuck box or plastic box. We can help you realize whatever you imagine!

Think about it! Your customized playing cards not just bring your friends happy hours, also remind them of your wedding. What a touching moment!

The minimum order quantity is 1008 decks. Reply and get your quotation now!


Wedding Playing Cards - Paper - E

Every couple spend lots of time planning for the wedding party, including a special, memorable wedding gift! Create a lasting memory of your wedding for you and your guests now!

You can choose customized pattern and shape(Ex. Cartoon-styled pictures based on your wedding pictures), paper or PVC material, paper tuck box or plastic box. We can help you realize whatever you imagine!

Think about it! Your customized playing cards not just bring your friends happy hours, also remind them of your wedding. What a touching moment!

The minimum order quantity is 1008 decks. Reply and get your quotation now!
Everything we do as a company is based on reinforcing our position as the finest, most responsive solution provider in the Promotion/Gift Playing Cards industry. Our adherence to the timely and safe delivery of our fine quality Promotion/Gift Playing Cards has enabled us to maintain a long-lasting relationship with our existing clients. Our entire range is stringently checked on defined quality testing parameters, which is recommended by the industry. If you are interested Promotion/Gift Playing Cards, please feel free to contact us.
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